Slovenian Film Centre


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Slovenski filmski center, javna agencija RS
Miklošičeva 38, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 234 3200
Upcoming events
  • 12 Dec 2024


    15 Mar 2025

    Germany Berlin Sputnik Kino


    SloVision - six films presenting contemporary Slovenian cinema curated by Bernd Buder, exploring themes of identity, conspiracy theories, and the intersection of everyday life with historical seriousness. In collaboration with the Slovenian Film Centre. Supported by SKICA Berlin, Slovenian Cultural Centre.

    at the Days of Slovenian Film Berlin


Past events

Slovenian Film Centre (SFC) is a public body that supports Slovene film production, post-production, and distribution. The center organises Slovenia’s main national film festival, the Festival of Slovenian Film and grants awards for outstanding achievements in Slovene cinema. It is responsible for the cultural presentation and promotion of Slovene films at home and abroad. One of its tasks is also to promote the development of scriptwriting (through public competitions, workshops and meetings).


Slovenian Film Fund, a public fund established in 1994 by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the purpose of implementing the national cultural programme in the sphere of film, was replaced by the Slovenian Film Centre (SFC), a public agency, as of January 2011.


Funds are distributed through different public competitions that cover film production, project development, script development, blow-ups, and educational activities. The majority of the current Slovene film production is facilitated by these funds. Since 2000, numerous feature films have been produced with its support (majority or partial founding) and among them quite a few were international co-productions (mostly made in collaboration with producers from ex-Yugoslav countries like Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina).

Each year several public competitions take place (only individuals and legal entities officially registered in Slovenia can submit their proposals) that cover various stages of film production and post-production and are independent one from other. That includes feature-length and short fiction films, documentaries, experimental and animated films. The public competitions for project development is meant for producers to develop the financial and technical structures of their projects, for location scouting, casting, development of shooting scripts or screenplays, for searching of partners and co-producers, etc. A special public competition is meant just for the development of screenplays and scripts. Finally there is also an annual public competition for events, meetings and educational projects in the field of cinema.

A pre-selection for financial support is made by expert programme committees, while the final decision is made by a Supervisory Board. Proposals for the financing or co-financing of programmes or projects in the field of cinema from public funds may be submitted by individuals and legal entities entered in the Register of Creators of Cultural Programmes at the Ministry of Culture. A film producer not registered for the performance of film production activities in the Republic of Slovenia may shoot films in the Republic of Slovenia in collaboration with a Slovene producer.


The Slovenian Film Centre organises Slovenia’s main national film festival, the Festival of Slovenian Film , and is responsible for the cultural presentation and promotion of Slovene films abroad. About 20 Slovene films are sent annually to more than 100 festivals.

The centre supports also some international film festivals held in Slovenia, for example the Kino Otok - Isola Cinema Festival, Animateka and the Ljubljana Gay and Lesbian Film Festival.

International cooperation

The Slovenian Film Centre (former Slovenian Film Fund) has been a member of European Film Promotion (EFP) since 2005. Slovenia is also a member in the Euroimages Fund and a partner of the Eurodoc training programme. The Slovenian Film Centre cooperates with the South East European Cinema Network festivals.

EU's Media and Creative Europe Programme

During the decade 2003–2013 Media Desk Slovenia, the information office of the EU's MEDIA 2007 Programme, was operating under the auspices of the Slovenian Film Centre.

Since 2014, and the inclusion of the MEDIA Programme into the Creative Europe Programme (2014–2020), the role of promoting European initiatives in the field as well as facilitating participation in the Programme has been taken over by the Creative Europe Desk Slovenia, hosted by the Motovila Institute.

Slovenia Film Commission unit

The Slovenian Film Centre has established a new organisational unit in order to promote film industry and film locations in Slovenia. The Slovenia Film Commission unit informs international film producers and directors about the possibilities, accessibility, support services, film industry professionals and equipment. A special web portal offers detailed data in text and picture.

See also

External links

... more about "Slovenian Film Centre"
Slovenski filmski center, javna agencija RS +
Slovenski filmski center, javna agencija RS +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Miklošičeva 38 +
Slovenian Film Centre (SFC) is a public body that supports Slovene film production, post-production, and distribution. +
Slovenian Film Centre (SFC) is a public body that supports Slovene film production, post-production, and distribution. +
+386 / 1 234 3200 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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